A Night to Celebrate CSR Stars, Cityray attended Industry Cares Award Ceremony
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Industry Cares Recognition Scheme. We thank the Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI) that we were fortunate enough to be able to attend the award ceremony on 27th September 2022. Hosted by the Committee on Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility, the Industry Cares award rewards SMEs and Enterprises that seek to promote corporate social responsibility (CSR).
The criteria of this award are founded on four major categories, those being: social impact, resources devoted, creation of shared values and initiations. These criteria serve to measure how well a business cares for society at large. This includes not only the company’s support and talent development to its employees but also on education and community service such as charity sponsorship and volunteer work. Competition this year was tough. Cityray congratulates the winners of this year’s Industry Cares awards and wishes better luck for those that will attend next year.
該獎項的標準基於四個主要類別,分別是:社會創效能力、資源投入、自發性及創造共用價值。 這些標準用於衡量企業對社會帶來良好效益的程度。 這不僅包括公司對員工的支援及發展,還包括對教育和社區服務的貢獻,例如慈善贊助和組織義務工作等。 今年的競爭十分激烈。施特偉祝賀今年「工業獻愛心」表揚計劃的得獎者,並祝願明年參加者好運。