Ignite SME’s ESG Potential: Unleash the Power of Sustainability
Our director, Lawrence Szeto , spoke in Inno4life Expo – 創意文化及科技創新展覽 on last Friday (6/10) and shared the ways that SMEs could adopt for their ESG practice. ESG becomes a global trend not only in listed corp but also SMEs. To know more how Cityray Technology 施特偉科技can help our clients in their ESG journey, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
施特偉科技董事 Lawrence Szeto 於上週五(6/10)在 Inno4life Expo – 創意文化及科技創新展覽中分享了中小企業如何引入科技實踐ESG。時至今日,ESG 成為全球商業發展的趨勢,不僅在上市公司及跨國企業中廣泛推行,中小企業亦對此紛紛表示關注。要瞭解更多施特偉如何幫助我們的客戶進行ESG之旅,請隨時與我們聯繫。