The grand 11th year anniversary award ceremony of Happy at Work Promotional Scheme
With the rise of sustainability consciousness, the work environment and atmosphere for employees have become one of the key factors in measuring the success of a company. This year, Cityray Technology has once again been honoured with the “Happy Company” 5+ Award in the 11th Happy at Work Promotional Scheme, joining hands with nearly 300 other happy enterprises to spread a joyful and pleasant work culture to all sectors. As an employer, it is our primary responsibility to create a caring and inclusive work environment for our employees, resulting in a win-win situation. In the future, Cityray Technology will continue to strive and inject more positive energy into society.
隨著永續意識的抬頭,員工的工作環境和氣氛也成為衡量企業成功與否的其中一個要素。今年,施特偉科技再次榮獲第十一屆「開心工作間」推廣計劃中的開心企業5 +獎,與260多間開心企業攜手將開心愉快的工作文化傳遞各界。作為僱主,首當其衝有責任為僱員打造具關懷、包容的工作環境,達至雙贏。未來,施特偉科技將會繼續努力,為社會注入更多正能量。