HRCC 2023Q4 – How HR data contributes to your ESG reporting.

Last Friday (11th October), Cityray hosted a workshop “How HR data contributes to your ESG reporting.” The workshop aimed to engage HRCC members in discussions on leveraging existing data and utilizing platform-based tools to transform it into the necessary data for ESG reporting. When it comes to producing ESG reports, HR colleagues in listed...

Cityray is honored to receive the commendation in the 2023 “Partner Employer Award”

This recognition acknowledges our outstanding performance in fostering an inclusive society over the past year. A total of 500 companies have been commended in this year’s program, indicating the increasing attention from society towards the employment of youth, persons with disabilities, retraining individuals, and rehabilitated persons. Cityray would like to express our gratitude to...

Cityray is once again honored to be recognized in the “Industry Cares” Recognition Scheme

The significance of this award goes beyond validating past efforts; it serves as a catalyst to inspire Cityray to continue fulfilling its social responsibilities in the future. We wholeheartedly appreciate the recognition and support from the Hong Kong Industrial Association and remain committed to creating shared value, bringing positive and sustainable impacts to society....

Ignite SME’s ESG Potential: Unleash the Power of Sustainability

Our director, Lawrence Szeto , spoke in Inno4life Expo – 創意文化及科技創新展覽 on last Friday (6/10) and shared the ways that SMEs could adopt for their ESG practice. ESG becomes a global trend not only in listed corp but also SMEs. To know more how Cityray Technology 施特偉科技can help our clients in their ESG journey,...

Digitalizing human resource management with TVP

Are you looking for an HR-Tech vendor with various HR-Tech solutions and experience assisting in applying for TVP? Look no further, Cityray has it all. The technology Voucher Programme (TVP) is government funding administered by the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) since 2016. The aim is to support local enterprises in the use of...

How can SMEs incorporate ESG practices into their business operations?

Lawrence Szeto, Director of Cityray, delivered a compelling presentation during the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) T-BOX workshop, shedding light on HRM tactics and showing how SMEs can achieve success in sustainability. By embracing HR practices, the management of SMEs has the power to establish a sustainable and positive impact on the organization...

Sharing session of the “Stand By Me” talent incubation program

Honored to be invited by the Hong Kong Children and Youth Services (HKCYS) to attend the first-year sharing session of the “Stand By Me” talent incubation program and to share my own career development journey. This program runs for three years per session and is currently in its seventh session. It pairs each young...