2019-20 Employees Retraining Board “Annual Partners Luncheon”
The 2019-20 Employees Retraining Board “Annual Partners Luncheon” was held at the Royal Plaza Hotel in Mong Kok at noon on October 24. More than 350 guests attended the gathering, mainly from employer and training institutions members of the board, and Cityray had invited to participate.
The primary purposes of this gathering are to provide employers and training institutions with networking opportunities and release the latest news on the developments of the Employees Retraining Board (ERB). It also focuses on commending employer members who participated in the “Post-50‧Interns” event.
The “Post-50‧ Interns” campaign was launched by ERB, and about 40 employer members provided more than 70 clerical vacancies for qualified “last 50s” (people aged 50 or above) to participate. The plan is to be employed part-time for one month, working less than 30 hours a week, and each intern can receive a maximum of $8,200 in allowances and bonuses.
To learn more on the latest news of ERB activities, please visit www.erb.org or the “My ERB” Facebook page.
2019-20 僱員再培訓局「伙伴周年聚會」
2019-20 僱員再培訓局「伙伴周年聚會」,於10月24日中午在旺角帝京酒店舉行。是次聚會有超過350嘉賓出席,主要來僱主會員以及培訓機構會員,而施特偉亦有獲邀出席。
「後50‧實習生」活動 由ERB推出,並由約40間僱主會員提供70個以上的文職空缺,以供合資格的「後50」( 50歲或以上人士)參與。計劃以兼職形式受聘1個月,每周工作30小時以下,而每位實習生最多可獲$8,200的津貼及獎金。
如欲了解ERB最新的活動消息,請瀏覽網頁www.erb.org 或 “My ERB” Facebook 專頁。