Cityray collaborates with the Chief Happiness Officer Association to create happy campuses together
Chief Happiness Officer Association (CHOA) is an organization dedicated to promoting a culture of happiness and aims to create a platform for collectively fostering a happy and healthy environment. The association organizes CHO Appreciation Award and the Happy School Campaign annually to effectively spread the spirit of CHO.
Happy School Campaign is designed to create a joyful and positive environment in schools. This program recognizes outstanding performance by schools in education, social interaction, and psychological well-being, encouraging schools to focus on developing students’ overall abilities.
Cityray, in collaboration with the Chief Happiness Officer Association, embodies the shared values of prioritizing happiness and strengthening human capital. As an expert in HR solutions, Cityray provides support to the Chief Happiness Officer’s Happy Campus program through online surveying and data integration analysis. By collecting and analysing data, valuable feedback from students, teachers, and parents regarding the activities can be obtained. Cityray successfully utilizes technology to assist schools in understanding the effectiveness of providing a joyful learning environment and areas for improvement.
This collaboration not only demonstrates Cityray’s commitment to educational quality but also showcases the efforts of the Chief Happiness Officer Association in promoting a culture of happiness in schools. By realizing our shared values, we are dedicated to creating a happier and healthier learning environment, allowing students to fully develop their potential.
首席快樂官協會 (CHOA) 是一個致力於推動快樂文化的組織,期望搭建平台,共同創造快樂與健康的環境。協會每年都會舉辦首席快樂官欣賞大獎和開心校園獎勵計劃以有效傳播 CHO 精神。而開心校園獎勵計劃旨在為學校創造一個開心、積極的環境。這項計劃通過表揚學校在教育、社交、心理健康等方面的卓越表現,鼓勵學校致力於發展學生的綜合能力。