An Inclusive Society , Cityray receives the “Caring Company 5+” Certificate and Logo

Economic stability, sustainable development and well-being of citizens are the key factors to a prosperous society. The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) launched the Caring Company Scheme in 2002 with a view to rewarding companies that forms strategic partnerships with social services partners, and demonstrates corporate social responsibility through caring for the community, employees and the environment.

Since 2014, Cityray has been collaborating with Hong Kong Children and Youth Service (HKCYS) to provide a weeklong internship for high school students to have a taste of working in the IT industry. Also, Cityray has set up policies to look after the environment and staff’s wellbeing, such as family care leave, flexible work location/ working hours, adoption of 4R policies etc.

Cityray is honoured to be granted “Caring Company 5+” award.  Having been recognised in the 8 consecutive year, we are encouraged to deeply merge with our professional so as to more diversified CSR service to the society in coming year. The annual Caring Company Scheme is now open for nomination till 11th November 2022, go visit Caring Company website for more information.



經濟穩定、社會可持續發展及公民福祉是社會繁榮的主要因素。香港社會服務聯會(社聯)於 2002 年推出商界展關懷計劃,旨在獎勵與社會服務夥伴建立戰略夥伴關係的公司,並通過關懷社區、關愛員工及愛護環境履行企業社會責任。

自2014年起,施特偉一直與香港青少年服務處 (HKCYS) 合作,為高中生提供為期一周的實習機會,讓他們體驗在 IT 行業工作的日常運作。此外,施特偉制訂了政策,照顧員工身心健康及保護環境,例如照顧家庭假、彈性工作時間/地點、採用4R措施等,履行企業社會責任。

施特偉榮獲社聯頒發的「商界展關懷」5+嘉許狀及標誌,連續8年對施特偉在履行企業社會責任方面的認可。施特偉將繼續努力,加強結合我們的專業領域,讓施特偉CSR邁向更多元化發展,惠及更多人群。2022/ 2023年度商界展關懷計劃現正接受提名,截止提名日期是今年11月11日。有關計劃詳情,請瀏覽商界展關懷網站。

About the author: Hana Chan