High productivity work environment forms from happy staff: Cityray received happy company 5+ 2022 logo from Promoting Happiness Index Foundation
Happiness plays an important role in our lives and can have a huge impact on the way we live our lives. Feeling happy improves our physical and mental health, as well as our daily productivity. Cityray is keen on the concept of “a company’s success depends on employees’ happiness”, which leads a series of employees’ wellness policy implementation. 5 years ago, Cityray came across the Happy Company Award Scheme, which algins with our beliefs, leading us to participate in the “Happy Workplace” program.
Happy Workplace Award is co-organised by the Hong Kong Promoting Happiness Index Foundation and The Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong, aiming to enhance Hong Kong enterprises and institutions’ recognition of “Happy Workplace”, promote all industries to build pleasant work environment together, and together improves Hong Kong people’s work happiness.
The Hong Kong Promoting Happiness Index Foundation was established in May 2011 by a group of like-minded business friends. They felt that most Hong Kong people are unhappy, and Hong Kong people’s happiness index is ranking very low in the world, in which they hoped that the establishment of the Hong Kong Promoting Happiness Index Foundation will help Hong Kong people live a happier life.
The Award covers four core categories, Caring Enterprise, Wisdom of Enterprise, Resilience of Enterprise, and Dynamics of Enterprise. These all aim to improve employees’ wellness, belonging, talents and happiness. Cityray has set up policies to ensure our staff are well treated and felt included, like organizing office with recreation facilities, birthday and festivals gathering, health benefits, family-care leave, paternity leave, training session and more. These lead to Cityray to receive recognition from the Hong Kong Promoting Happiness Index Foundation and awarded with the Happy Company 5+ 2022 logo this year since Cityray’s participation in 2017.
Cityray is honoured to receive the Happy Company 5+ 2022 logo from the Hong Kong Promoting Happiness Index Foundation. Cityray will continue to provide our staff with more happy working elements, establishing a caring and respecting employees’ lives corporate culture, and proactively promotes a positive life and “happy workplace” to all industries.
快樂員工建造高生產力工作環境:施特偉榮獲香港提升快樂指數基金所頒發的「開心企業5+ 」2022標誌
快樂在我們的生活中扮演著重要的角色,並對我們的生活方式有著巨大的影響。 感到快樂可以改善我們的身心健康,以及我們的日常工作效率。 “公司的成功取決於員工的快樂” 施特偉深信此理念,引入一系列員工健康及福利政策的實施。5年前,施特偉接觸到開心企業的計劃,與我們的信念非常吻合,是以參與「開心工作間」計劃。
其計劃以「企業關愛」、「企業智慧」、「企業 韌力」及「企業動力」四大範疇以作評分標準,旨在提升僱員的健康、歸屬感、才能和快樂。施特偉制定了政策,提升本企業的員工獲得良好的待遇並感受到包容,例如在辦公室設置康樂設施、生日及節日聚會、健康福利、家庭友善假期、男士侍產假、培訓課程等等。 自 2017 年參與以來, 施特偉一直獲得了香港促進幸福指數基金會的認可,並於今年獲得了「開心企業 5+」 2022 標誌。
施特偉榮獲香港提升快樂指數基金所頒發的「開心企業5+」 2022標誌。施特偉會繼續為員工帶來更多開心工作元素,其建立關懷與尊重員工生活的企業文化,並積極對各界推廣正面人生及「開心工作間」。