Cityray News

An Inclusive Society , Cityray receives the “Caring Company 5+” Certificate and Logo

Economic stability, sustainable development and well-being of citizens are the key factors to a prosperous society. The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) launched the Caring Company Scheme in 2002 with a view to rewarding companies that forms strategic partnerships with social services partners, and demonstrates corporate social responsibility through caring for the...

A Night to Shine: Cityray Awarded with “Best SME’s Award” 2022 on 6th October

2022 is a year of celebrations. It marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the HKSAR, the 26th anniversary celebration of the HKGCSMB, and Cityray won the “Best SME’s Award” 2022. The annual “Best SME’s Award” was established by the HKGCSMB in 2006 to publicly applaud winning enterprises’ entrepreneurship spirit and contributions toward...


2022年是充滿變化的一年。它標誌著香港特別行政區成立 25 週年、疫情踏入第 3 年、香港的旅行限制放寬等等。這些變化對不同行業的薪酬趨勢、人才發展及招聘帶來怎麼樣的影響?在今年10月20日,香港浸會大學工商管理學院人力資源策略及發展研究中心、華南理工大學工商管理學院人力資源管理研究中心、香港人才管理協會及廣東省人才開發與管理研究會合辦了「2022粵港澳大灣區薪酬及福利調查」結果發佈暨研討會。共有281間企業參與調查,覆蓋超過 213,000名員工。調查涵蓋年度薪酬指數、應屆畢業生薪金、獎勵計劃、各行業職位津貼、僱員福利、人事變動和薪金調整。 人事變動: 與 2021 年相比,香港 2022 年的整體離職率上升 0.9%。大灣區 2022 年的整體離職率較 2021 年下降 10.3%,而基層員人的整體離職率比去年下降超過 50% 。離職的首兩大原因是晉升及發展機會及薪酬。 薪金調整: 香港今年實際整體薪金調整幅度介乎3.0%至3.3%之間,較去年的1.3%至2.1%增加70%,反應了香港業務正在重回正軌。大灣區今年實際整體薪金調整略有下跌,由 5.8% 至 5.2% (2021) 降至 4.5% 至 5.2% (2022)。薪金調整的首兩個標準是企業整體績效及員工個人績效。大會預計明年香港的薪金調整將保持在相似的範圍內,但大灣區的薪金調整將略有下降(4.1% – 4.4%)。   應屆畢業生薪金: 本港應屆畢業生起薪點最高的兩大行業與去年一樣,工程(1.89萬元)和資訊科技。 (1.82萬元)。今年,研究和發展以 1.75萬元的起薪點居第三。在大灣區,應屆畢業生起薪點排名前三的行業是研究和發展(7,415 人民幣)、資訊科技(6,854人民幣)及工程(6,472人民幣)。與 2021 年相比,香港和大灣區的整體增幅分別為 9.3% 和 2.4%。 疫情期間的工作安排: 儘管實施靈活用工的運作模式會帶來一些困難,例如用工人員質素不穩定和管理困難,仍有 40.4% 的企業提供彈性工作時間安排,24.2% 的企業提供混合(至少 3 天在公司)工作安排。 獎勵計劃: 參與調查的香港機構表示有實施僱員獎勵計劃,最受歡迎的首兩項獎勵計劃是非固定花紅(58.8%)和固定花紅(43.6%)。 對於大灣區,他們是外派培訓(61.0%)和全勤獎(50.8%)。...

Successful Launch of Cityray’s First Hybrid Focus Group – HR Analytics

In this digital age, although everything is moving towards digitalising, the HR dashboard technology is lacking behind. Without the befitting tools, HRs’ potential cannot be truly unleashed.  On 26th August 2022, Cityray organised a hybrid HR Analytics Focus Group and invited 9 HR professionals from different industries to voice the pain points they faced...

4-Day Work Week: An Overwhelmingly Positive Response?

On 20th September 2022, Cityray co-organised the 3rd webinar of the “HR Thought Leadership Series” along with Hays and TLC on the benefits and drawbacks of a compressed work week. Our keynote speakers Lauren Huntington (EX Solutions Strategist, Qualtrics) and Alex Pang (Global Programs Director, 4 Day Week) both shed some much-needed light on...

Cityray as One of the Supporting Organisations of the Insightful Forum ” New Age Talent Strategies For The New Hong Kong Economy” by HKMU

How does technology advancement change talent acquisition? What kind of talent hunt strategy best suits my industry? To find the answers, come participate the following insightful Forum – New Age Talent Strategies For The New Hong Kong Economy. Date: 23rd September 2022 (Friday) Time: 2:30pm – 4:30pm Venue: Multi-purpose Hall, 10/F, Block C, Main...