Cityray awarded with 2021 Partner Employer Award

The Partner Employer Award aims to encourage enterprises to provide job opportunities for youths and the vulnerable groups. Cityray has been providing summer internships for youths to explore the IT industry and is honoured to award with 2021 Partner Employer Award.

Cityray awarded with the 2019 Hong Kong Outstanding Corporate Citizenship Logo

Cityray was honoured with the 2019 Hong Kong Outstanding Corporate Citizenship Award (Small and Medium Enterprise Category), which commends those enterprises and institutions actively fulfilling their corporate social responsibilities. 施特偉榮獲2019年度香港傑出企業公民嘉許標誌(中小型企業組別)。由香港生產力促進局(生產力局)主辦,公民教育委員會合辦,中國銀行(香港)贊助的「香港企業公民計劃」設立「香港企業公民嘉許計劃」(嘉許計劃)

2019-20 Employees Retraining Board “Annual Partners Luncheon”

The 2019-20 Employees Retraining Board "Annual Partners Luncheon" was held at the Royal Plaza Hotel in Mong Kok at noon on October 24. More than 350 guests attended the gathering, mainly from employer and training institutions members of the board, and Cityray had invited to participate. 2019-20 僱員再培訓局「伙伴周年聚會」,於10月24日中午在旺角帝京酒店舉行。是次聚會有超過350嘉賓出席,主要來僱主會員以及培訓機構會員,而施特偉亦有獲邀出席。

Cityray awarded with the 9th Hong Kong Outstanding Corporate Citizenship Awards

Cityray was awarded the 9th Hong Kong Outstanding Corporate Citizenship Awards. This year's award ceremony was held on 14 December 2018. Organized by the Hong Kong Productivity Council and co-organized by the Civic Education Committee, "The 9th Hong Kong Corporate Citizenship Program" aims to boost corporate social responsibility through a series of activities, encourage...