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December 18, 2018 / Cityray News, CSR, Newsrooom

Cityray awarded with the 2018 Social Capital Builder Awards

Cityray has been awarded the Social Capital Builder Awards by the Labour and Welfare Bureau for two consecutive terms. The biennial Social Capital Builder Awards Presentation Ceremony was held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on December 18, 2018, attracting more than 500 people to attend. CITYRAY連續兩屆榮獲由勞工及福利局頒發的社會資本動力獎。 兩年一度的社會資本動力獎頒獎典禮,今屆於 2018年 12月18日在灣仔會展中心舉行,吸引逾500人出席。論壇維基金兩年一度的盛事,今年得到香港中華總商會、香港中華廠商聯合會、香港工業總會、香港社會服務聯會、香港總商會、香港中小型企業總商會及香港醫學會作為支持機構。
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December 14, 2018 / Cityray News, CSR, Newsrooom


Cityray榮獲第九屆香港傑出企業公民嘉許。今屆頒獎禮於2018年12月14日舉行。由香港生產力促進局主辦,公民教育委員會合辦的第九屆「香港企業公民計劃」,旨在透過一系列的活動提升企業公民意識,鼓勵企業履行及推動社會責任,將企業公民理念融入其營運策略和管理措施中,並推廣至員工及其家屬、客戶、以至公眾,以促進經濟、社會、環境的可持續發展。 計劃目的 由香港生產力促進局(生產力局)主辦及公民教育委員會合辦的「香港企業公民計劃」設立「香港企業公民嘉許計劃」(嘉許計劃),以表揚積極履行社會責任的企業。嘉許計劃旨在透過向企業頒發「嘉許標誌」及「傑出企業公民獎」,表揚他們在社會責任方面的貢獻,並藉此宣揚企業公民理念,鼓勵企業關愛社區,促進經濟、社會、環境的可持續發展。有關理念包括: 計劃四個組別 嘉許計劃共設有四個組別,包括: 計劃將透過不同的推廣及教育活動,提升公眾特別是新一代對企業公民責任的認知及關注。重點活動包括: 香港企業公民嘉許計劃 流動展覽車 月曆設計比賽 企業公民講座
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October 1, 2018 / Cityray News, CSR, Newsrooom

Cityray awarded with the Excellence CSR Strategy in HR Distinction Award 2018

With the continuous commitment to serve the community by offering opportunities to teenagers with career and life planning, Cityray has...
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September 2, 2018 / Cityray News, Newsrooom

Cityray awarded with Hong Kong Most Outstanding Business 2019

Cityray has been awarded with the Hong Kong Most Outstanding Business Award 2019 (MOBHK) by Corphub. The winning title of...
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September 1, 2018 / Cityray News, Hrcc News, Newsrooom

HRConnect Commumity Focus Group 10 August 2018 Highlight

HRConnect Community is a networking platform created by Cityray for HR staff from different companies to explore and connect with various HR potential power among Cityray's corporate clients. On 10th August 2018, HRCC held a focus group to share views on "How A.I. could enhance the development of HR".
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