Excellence Experience is Key: Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin Compliments Cityray’s User-Friendly HRMS

As a getaway with lush greenery located steps away from the bustling Sha Tin district, Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin offers diverse welcoming guestrooms with full range of facilities for guests to choose from. As one of the resorts of the world’s top hospitality group, providing guests with welcoming experiences and excellent services is at the core of their business, and that goes the same for choosing an HR-Tech vendor.

Throughout the 14 years of partnership with Hyatt Shatin, Cityray has been providing Hyatt Shatin with efficient support services, even during the critical period of COVID-19. Cityray’s support team ensures all requirements that Hyatt Shatin puts forward have been solved, making sure the system operates smoothly and complies with Hyatt Shatin’s needs.

Furthermore, over 17.5% of Hong Kong’s hotels use Cityray’s HRM solutions, with a 33.3% market share of 5-star or above hotels. This demonstrates Cityray’s vast knowledge of the HR needs of the hotel industry, providing Hyatt Shatin with the most fitting HRMS solutions for their system upgrade with Cityray in 2019.

Cityray thanks Hyatt Shatin for their reference letter, expressing their appreciation towards Cityray’s solutions and services. Cityray will continue to develop user-friendly solutions, meeting different industries’ needs, and providing our clients with excellent experience and services, just like Hyatt Shatin.

Tel : (852) 2111 7111   |   Email : enquiry@cityray.com   |   Cityray.com

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香港沙田凱悅酒店距離繁華的沙田區僅幾步之遙,是一個綠樹成蔭,交通便利的度假勝地,提供多樣化的溫馨客房和齊全的設施供客人選擇。作為世界頂級酒店集團的度假酒店之一,為客人提供賓至如歸的體驗及優質的服務是其業務的核心,選擇 HR-Tech 供應商也是如此。

在與沙田凱悅合作的14年中,即使在疫情時期,施特偉一直為沙田凱悅提供高效的支援服務。 施特偉的支援團隊確保沙田凱悅提出的所有要求都得到解決,確保系統運行順暢並符合沙田凱悅的所需。



Tel : (852) 2111 7111   |   Email : enquiry@cityray.com   |   Cityray.com

#施特偉 #人力資源科技 #人力資源 #香港沙田凱悅酒店 #hris #hrms #強化人力資本 #薪酬管理