Against All Odds, Seek Progress with Stability! EGL Tours choose Cityray to upgrade its HRMS in these Tough Times

When it comes to travelling in Japan, one will definitely think of the famous travel agency, EGL Tours. It was established in Hong Kong in 1987 by a number of tourists who are familiar with Japanese culture. Its early business was mainly to serve Hong Kong tour group in Japan, and later expanded tour groups to other countries.

With the tenet of “Honesty, Customer-Oriented, and Continuous Improvement of Quality Services”, the belief of offering value for money and unique staff training activities, leading EGL Tours’ employees to unify and dedicatedly provide quality and considerate travel experience services to customers. These services include different countries travel routes and cruise vacations, independent travel packages, package tours, air tickets and hotel bookings for different countries, etc.

EGL Tours has been a client of Cityray since 2001 and has been using Cityray’s HRPLUS® V9 as its HRMS to management its workforce and payroll calculations. In the recent years, EGL Tours has even adopted Cityray’s ESS e-Leave module to manage its employees’ leave application/ approval. This reduces the dependence and the workload of HR. In addition, the system keeps employees’ leave records in a systematic way, allowing HR to easily check colleagues’ leave and do the roster.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in the end of 2019, the global economy has suffered severe setbacks and gravely impacted the tourism industry. The leaders of EGL Tours showed their market sense and courage by re-organising their business strategy and transformed their business to Japanese online shopping to meet the needs of Hong Kong people who love Japanese products. This new business move has opened up a new pathway during these difficult times.

In spite of the difficulties, EGL Tours still chose to invest in human resources management by appointing Cityray to upgrade its current system. EGL Tours is confident in their future, and equip themselves to meet the retaliatory business opportunities after the recovery.

As the HR Tech partner of EGL Tours, Cityray will upgrade its human resources management system, The new iHRPLUS® EVO-6 can provide more flexible and efficient customized payroll calculation, covering payroll and related policy in Hong Kong and Macau. It is also equipped with API to integrate with other existing systems, allowing data to be seamlessly connected in various systems to meet the increasingly changing business need. Cityray is fortunate to assist EGL Tours and witnessed this business tycoon rides the tides in this challenging business environment, breaks through the encirclement, and create glory again.



東瀛遊 EGL Tours在疫情時期選擇施特偉為HRMS升級

提起日本旅遊,一定會想起香港著名的旅行社東瀛遊 EGL Tours。東瀛遊 EGL Tours於1987年在香港成立,由多位熟悉日本文化的旅遊業者成立。早期的業務以接待在日本的香港旅行團為主,及後發展至其他國家的旅行團。憑著「以誠為本、以客為尊、不斷提高優質服務」的宗旨,物超所值的信念,以獨特的員工培訓活動,令東瀛遊 EGL Tours 的員工上下一心,竭誠為顧客提供優質體貼的旅遊體驗服務,包括不同地方的旅遊路線及郵輪假期、自由行套餐、包團、代訂機票及酒店服務等。

東瀛遊 EGL Tours 早於 2001 年成為施特偉的客戶,並一直使用施特偉所提供的 HRPLUS® V9作為其人力資源管理系統管理其勞動力和薪酬核算。近年來,東瀛遊 EGL Tours 更採用施特偉所開發的員工自助系統內的假期模組來管理其員工的休假申請/批准,令流程減少對HR的依賴,減輕HR的工作量。此外,系統更將員工假期紀錄的井井有條,HR可輕鬆查閱同事的假期及安排工作。

自 2019 年底新冠肺炎爆發以來,全球經濟嚴重受挫,其中對旅遊業的影響尤其嚴重。 所謂危機,有危就有機,東瀛遊 EGL Tours集團領導者憑藉敏銳的市場觸覺及勇毅的膽色,重整經營策略,將業務轉型至日本網購,迎合香港人喜愛日本貨品的需求,令集團再疫情艱難期間得以開拓新出路。並在艱難下仍然選擇對人力資源管理的投入,繼續委任施特偉為其人力資源管理系統進行升級,可見集團對未來充滿信心,及早裝備,迎接復甦過後的報復式商機。

作為東瀛遊 EGL Tours的HR Tech夥伴,施特偉為其提升人力資源管理系統,全新的iHRPLUS® EVO-6能提供更靈活及有效率的定製薪酬計算,涵蓋香港及澳門的薪酬及相關法例政策。更配以API與其他現有系統集成,讓數據在各系統中無縫連接,滿足日益多變的業務需求。施特偉有幸助力東瀛遊 EGL Tours,並見證商業巨人在凶險的營商環境中乘風破浪,突圍而出,再創集團輝煌。


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