Digitalizing human resource management with TVP
Are you looking for an HR-Tech vendor with various HR-Tech solutions and experience assisting in applying for TVP? Look no further, Cityray has it all.
The technology Voucher Programme (TVP) is government funding administered by the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) since 2016. The aim is to support local enterprises in the use of technological services and solutions to improve productivity, or upgrade or transform their business processes, to enhance their long-term competitiveness. TVP is open for application throughout the year.
(a) (i) Registered in Hong Kong under the Business Registration Ordinance (Cap. 310); or
(a) (ii) Incorporated and registered in Hong Kong under the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622); or
(a) (iii) Established in Hong Kong by relevant ordinances as statutory bodies;
(b) Not a listed company in Hong Kong, and not a government subvented organisation* or subsidiary of any government subvented organisation*;
(c) With substantive business operation in Hong Kong which is related to the project under application at the time of application.
(*A government subvented organisation means an organisation that receives subvention from the Government on a recurrent basis. The subvention contributes towards the organisation’s operational expenses, in exchange for its service to the public. The recurrent subvention may account for the bulk of the organisation’s income or may just be a token contribution/sponsorship forming a small percentage of the organisation’s total income.)
Key Features
Funding amount:
- Provide funding for projects on a 3 (Government):1 (enterprise/organisation) matching basis.
- Cumulative funding ceiling per enterprise/organisation: HK$600,000.
- Up to 6 projects per enterprise/organisation.
Funding covers:
- Technology consultancy
- Purchase, rental or subscription of customised equipment/hardware, software and technological services or solutions that form an essential part of the project.
- Purchase, rental or subscription of off-the-shelf/readily available equipment/hardware, software and technological services or solutions that form an essential part of the project.
- Project auditing mandatory for projects with approved funding exceeding $50,000. The maximum audit fee to be counted towards the total project cost is $3,000.
Cityray is an HR-Tech vendor aiming to provide various high-quality HR solutions provisioning for different operating models. Recently, NEC Hong Kong Limited (NEC HK) has successfully applied TVP funding for the upcoming iHRPLUS® EVO 6 and ESS eLEAVE and eATTENDANCE modules implementation project with Cityray. This partnership highlights the commitment of both companies to harnessing technology and innovation to digitize and optimize HR processes. Cityray provided immediate assistance to NEC HK throughout the process to ensure smooth sailing. Playing a crucial role in facilitating the successful application of TVP funding for NEC HK. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your HR operations with the support of Cityray and TVP funding!
For more information on TVP, please visit https://www.itf.gov.hk/en/funding-programmes/facilitating-technology/tvp/. To enquire Cityray’s HR solutions, please contact (852) 2111 7111 or email enquiry@cityray.com to contact our professional consultant team.
您是否正在尋找具有各種 HR-Tech 解決方案及協助申請「科技券」 (TVP) 經驗的 HR-Tech 供應商?施特偉隨時為您提供幫助。
「科技券」是創新科技署 (ITC) 自 2016 年起管理的政府資助計劃,旨在支援本地企業使用科技服務和解決方案,以提高生產力或將業務流程升級轉型, 增強他們的長期競爭力。 「科技券」全年接受申請。
- (i) 根據《商業登記條例》在香港註冊的企業; 或
(ii) 根據《公司條例》在香港註冊成立的公司; 或
(iii) 在香港成立的法定機構;
- 並非香港上市公司(上市企業的附屬公司若本身未上市亦有資格),亦非政府資助機構或其附屬公司;
- 申請時須在本港有實質業務運作,「空殼公司」不會視為在香港有實質業務運作
- 每個企業/機構的累計資助上限:港幣 600,000 元
- 以3(政府):1(企業/機構)配對模式為項目提供資助
- 每個企業/組織最多 6 個項目
- 科技顧問服務
- 訂製設備/硬件、軟件及科技服務或方案
- 現成設備/硬件、軟件及科技服務或方案(≤項目總成本的 50%)
- 項目審計(核准資助額 > $50,000;費用上限:$3,000)
- 不包括正常營運費用
施特偉是一家 HR-Tech 供應商,旨在為不同營運模式的企業提供各種高質量的 HR 解決方案。近日,NEC Hong Kong Limited (NEC HK) 已成功申請「科技券」資助,用於即將與施特偉合作的 iHRPLUS® EVO 6 及 ESS eLEAVE 和 eATTENDANCE 模塊實施項目。合作突顯出施特偉致力於實現人力資源數字化和優化管理流程的承諾。在過程中,施特偉一直為NEC HK提供即時的協助,確保申請順利進行。促成NEC HK成功申請科技券的過程中,施特偉扮演著重要的角色。不要錯過利用科技券改變人力資源營運的機會!趁現在,讓科技券和施特偉協助你的企業實現人力資源數碼化!
有關「科技券」的更多資料,請瀏覽 https://www.itf.gov.hk/sc/funding-programmes/facilating-technology/tvp/。如需諮詢施特偉的人力資源解決方案,請致電 (852) 2111 7111 或電郵至 enquiry@cityray.com 與我們的專業顧問團隊聯絡。