Appreciation letter from Chee Shing Company Ltd. (Subsidiary of HOPEWELL)
Chee Shing Company Limited is a subsidiary of Hopewell Holdings Limited, a long history and famous Hong Kong-based property and infrastructure enterprise. With the diverse business of investments in infrastructure projects, property letting, property agency and management, hotel operations and management, restaurant operation and food catering, construction and project management, a good practice of HR is a key of success to maintain the efficiency of the business operations, and so as to achieve the organizational goal.
Among all the HR challenges, workforce management took the first place. The traditional way of handling employees’ OT incurred great effort to prove the validity of each application / approval and validate the calculation to prevent from miscalculating the amount for payroll. In addition, a great number of employee work shift, including casual workers, leads to great pressure of HR to handle their roster in-time. HR team has put much effort to prevent from causing mistake in term of lacking updated working hours of the employees, which might cause legal disputes.
With a view to tackle the challenges, Chee Shing Company Limited has adopted Cityray’s Workforce Management System, the Time & Attendance module since Feb 2021. It serves as the platform to manage OT requests and approvals, which allows HR staffs to classify and confirm the authorized OT applications when processing the payroll, as well as ensures the OT spending is under budget control. With the diagram illustration of all individual work hours, HR staffs can easily refer to the work pattern and assign suitable workload and employment contracts so as to avoid encountering any legal dispute.
In May 2021, Cityray is honoured to receive an appreciation letter from Chee Shing Company Limited to express its gratitude towards the systems and the services Cityray provided. It was a great encouragement to Cityray that proven our project has been successful and delivering value to our clients. We looks forward to serving you in creating value and enhancing your human capital with our HR Tech solution.
If you want to know more about Cityray’s latest technology solutions, please call (852) 2111 7111 or email to contact our professional consultant team.
為應對上述挑戰,從 2021 年 2 月起,置勝有限公司採用了施特偉的勞動力管理系統的考勤模組,作為管理加班申請和審批的平台。當處理工資單時,經系統核實的加班記錄可讓人力資源用户確認納入支薪計算,系統亦能確保加班支出在預算內。通過各個個人工作時間的圖表,人力資源用户可以輕鬆參考工作情況,分配合適的工作量或處理僱傭合同,確保合法合規。
如欲了解更多關於施特偉的最新科技方案,歡迎致電(852) 2111 7111或電郵至 enquiry@cityray.com與我們的專業顧問團隊聯絡。
#cheeshing #cityray #hrtech #enhancinghumancapital