Twelve years of partnership, march towards a new milestone! Cityray has once again become the reliable human resource management technology partner of Roche Diagnostics (Hong Kong) Limited

Roche Diagnostics (Hong Kong) Limited (referred to as Roche Diagnostics in the article) is a division of Roche, a pioneer in the global pharmaceutical and diagnostic industry, with a history of more than 100 years and headquartered in Switzerland. 

Roche Diagnostics occupies a significant position in the Hong Kong medical industry and is one of the market leaders in in-vitro diagnostics in Hong Kong. Roche Diagnostics is active in all market areas, from scientific research to clinical laboratory systems. 

Since 2006, Roche Diagnostics has been using Cityray’s HRPLUS® system to manage its HR daily operations, especially for salary and tax return calculations.


Due to the considerable growth of Roche Diagnostics in the healthcare market in Hong Kong, the corresponding demands for human resource management have also continued to increase. In order to cope with the rapid development pace, Roche Diagnostics signed a system upgrade cooperation agreement with Cityray in November 2018 to meet actual needs. 

This project will be launching in the first quarter of 2019. At the beginning of the implementation stage, the main tasks are as follows: 

  1. Upgrade the existing operating system from HRPLUS® V9 (client-server model) to iHRPLUS® EVO 6 (Internet version); 
  2. Add the new Employee Self-Service system and the employee e-Leave management function to optimize the existing management process.


Cityray has been a reliable human resource technology system partner of Roche Diagnostics Hong Kong for more than 12 years. With extensive implementation experience, this upgrade project will be able to complete successfully, which will improve the management and operation of Roche Hong Kong. 

If you want to enquire more about Cityray’s latest technology solutions, please call (852) 2111 7111 or email to contact our professional consultant team.



羅氏診斷(香港)有限公司 (Roche Diagnostics (Hong Kong) Limited,以下簡稱 羅氏診斷),其母公司羅氏集團為全球醫藥及診斷行業的先鋒,擁有超過100年的歷史,總部位於瑞士。羅氏診斷在香港醫療行業中處於重要的地位,並是香港體外診斷領域市場的領導者之一。羅氏診斷活躍於所有的市場領域,從科學研究、臨床實驗室系統。而自2006年開始,羅氏診斷便一直採用施特偉的HRPLUS®系統去管理人力資源日常運作,特別是用作薪酬及報稅計算。


由於羅氏診斷在香港的醫護市場可觀地增長,相應的人力資源管理需求亦不斷提高。為了其配合迅速的發展步伐,羅氏診斷於2018年11月與施特偉簽訂系統升級的合作協議,以應付實際需求。這個項目將於2019年第一季度啟動,而在實施初期,主要的任務有以下兩點: 1) 將現有的作業系統由HRPLUS® V9 (客戶端/伺服器架構) 升級至 iHRPLUS® EVO 6 (互聯網版); 2) 新增員工自助系統,並加入員工電子休假管理功能,優化現有管理流程。


施特偉為羅氏香港超過12年的可靠人力資源科技系統伙伴,憑藉豐富的實施經驗,這次升級項目將能夠成功完成,以至完善羅氏香港的管理運作。如欲了解更多關於施特偉的最新科技方案,歡迎致電(852) 2111 7111或電郵至 enquiry@cityray.com與我們的專業顧問團隊聯絡。